
A broad analysis reveals approximately 55 percent resinous compounds and balsam, 30 percent beeswax, 10 percent ethereal and aromatic oils, and 5 percent bee pollen.
Many flavonols contribute to propolis. Other components include cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, vanillin, caffeic aid, tetochrysin, isalpinin, pinocembrin, chrysin, galangin, and ferulic acid.
Health Benefits of Propolis: -
Propolis acts as protection from bacteria and viruses for the bees, and it is collected for humans for use as:- Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antibiotic
* 杀菌、止痒
* 除臭作用
* 润肤
* 阻止皮肤色素沉着
* 去油脂
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