
The history of honey is rich in tradition. This ancient substance has been used for food, drinks, medicine, gifts for the gods, barter, cosmetics, cooking and food preservation.
Health Benefits : -
- Improves chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinus problems and allergies.
- Combat depression, fatigue, insomnia, nervous disorders, urine retention, cramps, headache and high blood pressure.
- Beautifies and soothes the skin, cleans skin disorders.
- Hasten the healing of wounds.-
- Facilitates the digestion and assimilation of other foods.
- Honey has the laxative, sedative, antitoxic and antiseptic effects is effective in countering anemia.
* 促进睡眠、增强记忆力
* 补充人体所需的营养成分
* 解热,抗菌
* 调节肠胃功能,润肠
* 恢复疲劳、改善血液中的营养
* 消除积食、促进胃酸正常分泌
* 润肺、祛痰、止咳、消炎
* 缩短排便
* 拥有大脑神经元所需的物质
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