Bee Venom Composition - Bee Venom is a unique multi-component complex which contains about 30 biologically active compounds, some of which are pratically impossible to get synthesized by chemical methods. The main anti-inflammatory pharmacological components are peptides : melittin, apamin, peptide 401, adolapin and protease inhibitors. Bee Venom is hermorrhagic, differing from snake (viper) venom, which is a coagulant.
Bee Venom therapeutical usage - A partial list of medical studies reported that bee venom was used in the following cases which include nutrition, vitamins supplements, minerals and exercises.(Pheumatological,Cardiovascular,Endocrine,Immune System,Nervous System,Dermatological)
Bee Venom properties - Bee Venom peptides have systematic action: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti- bacterial, anti-pyretic, stimulating vascular permeability. It has also been proven that bee venom has a strong immunological venom action in the body, indirectly through hormone system and directly on cardiovascular system.
* 促進血液循环
* 幫助运动性伤害的癒合
* 增進体力与健康
* 幫助受损的神经
* 減轻肌肉疼痛
* 舒缓坐骨神经痛
* 具抗氧化、抗菌消炎功效
* 激发人体对疼痛的天然抵抗力
* 刺激免疫系统
* 控制肿瘤细胞,把肿瘤细胞化成正常细胞
* 降血压,改善脑血流和心机功能
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